all that needs to be said...awsome
all that needs to be said...awsome
this is really good
all of your songs put i story into my could use this for like and undergroud mafia movie...i can just see it...a bunch of mafie guys sitting around a van in the city with AK's and uzi's doing a drug deal. AWSOME
sounds like...
this sounds like a rambo stealth mission. Or like covert ops sniping/infiltration. Like the guy is just sneaking until the heavier music starts then like epic C.Q.C. action good though
The first one was better
the first one owned this one...this one almost was there just didnt have the right beat
you can see the psycho clown with like decapitated heads every slicing open his victims. That was crazy, like his evil castle and in the middle of the night. too bad i have no flash skills or this would be going 2 a game
nice song....not much else to say.....
this is the stuffs i listen to and exactly my style
pretty good
ima give you a 10 for the song, its good but its not my style. im a hardcore bloodsplitting 100mph techno/rave. but thats really hard to find these days <(-_-)>. anyway good job on t3h s0ng
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